- Polypropylene mesh provides optimal tissue ingrowth.
- Robust sub-micronic PTFE permanent barrier minimizes adhesion to the prosthesis.
- Engineered to minimize foreign body reaction and maximize long-term patient comfort and quality of life.
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Teflene® Meshis composite mesh with dual surface of polypropylene knitted mesh on parietal side and an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene microporous (PTFE) sheet on the visceral side. The PTFE sheet acts as permanent barrier to adhesions. PTFE is a linear homo chain polymer constructed of a carbon backbone, saturated with fluorine atoms (-CF2-). Due to the presence of extreme stability of the bond between carbon and fluorine, this mesh is inert in nature and because of it, the surgeons can obtain safe and durable long term result and sound repair. The parietal side of the mesh is marked by the presence of macropore knitted polypropylene mesh firmly fused with the PTFE sheet on the visceral side. This polypropylene mesh layer stimulates tissue growth.
- A permanent barrier composite mesh with excellent anti-adhesion property.
- Time tested polypropylene mesh for better tissue ingrowth.
- Soft supple mesh for better handling, contains placement marker to assist in the mesh placement.
- PTFE mesh is inert in nature, it induces less foreign body reaction.
- The PTFE mesh exhibits minimal inflammatory reaction and comparatively induces lower scar density.
- The Mesh contains perforated holes to prevent fluid accumulation and seroma formation.
- The embedded Polypropylene mesh provides durable strength to the mesh.
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